"The Llamas are very social and intelligent animals", so do not hesitate to contact us.
LAMA ARCHITECTURE was born from our passion for sincere and quality architecture. With different ways of thinking but a shared vision,we are always trying to find the most natural approach towards the context and the design theme, wheather it’s architecture or interior design. We believe in niches and people that are passionate about what they do, in the freedom of expression and the experimental, in the power of a team and the normality of careful thinking.
After a careful analysis of the client requirements, the design theme, the program, as well as the site and the context of the future design object, we focus on finding an expressive and easy to identify logo. We believe that a good concept and an accurate analysis may easily generate the identity of an architectural object and this can be ideally represented by a logo.
For us, the logo is similar to the musical note: one may often recognize a masterpiece from only a few notes. Similarities between Architecture and Music are astonishing... Musical notes represent the matter out of which the architectural object takes shape: stone, wood, metal, concrete, brick or just ground, glass and sometimes ice... With only a handful of materials, architecture finds abundant resources and shapes. Space vibrates in a different manner, depending the way it was generated and the material it consists of: it is either calm or agitated, warm or cold, soft or heavy, playful or sober.
House Around a Three
PREMIUL ANUALEI DE ARHITECTURA BUCURESTI 2021 - Arhitectură construită / arhitectura locuinței individualeRestaurant Alt Shift Berlin
PREMIUL ANUALEI DE ARHITECTURA BUCURESTI 2015 - Arhitectura spatiului interiorRestaurantul Edo Garden
PREMIUL ANUALEI DE ARHITECTURA BUCURESTI 2018 - Arhitectura spatiului interiorRaionul Floreasca - Piața de pește
PREMIUL ANUALEI DE ARHITECTURA BUCURESTI 2019 - Amenajari horecaConversie Garaj Lama
NOMINALIZARE - ANUALA DE ARHITECTURA BUCURESTI 2014 - Amenajari interioareLocuință Transilvaniei